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Oehlert Alert 9/6/24

Oehlert Alert 9/6/24

Hi Ramillies, 

This week was a whirlwind for students and staff!  Certified staff (teachers, administrators, counselors, mental health support, instructional coaches, etc) spent Tuesday improving their content skills in the morning. After a short staff meeting in the afternoon, we either planned or prepared lessons for the week.  Our classified staff (office staff, campus security, para-professionals, cafeteria staff & custodial staff) were given an opportunity to take a version of the Capturing Kids Hearts training that certified staff participated in before school started. 



As you may recall, there is a block of time on your student's schedule called WIN.  This stands for What I Need and takes place during the school day occasionally.  On days when students have WIN, they will report to WIN class first then head out to their normal class schedule.  Our first WIN class will be on Tuesday 9/10/24, and the second will be on Wednesday 9/11/24.  If your student can become anxious with changes in routines, please discuss this change with them this weekend.  The first day will be an opportunity for staff to meet their WIN class (and vice versa), and the second will be for the Panorama Survey.


Family Survey

I sent this out last week, but wanted to include again as I had mismanaged the settings so the form was not public.  I have fixed this and would love feedback about upcoming events and possible learning opportunities. Please take a moment to complete the survey


Judi's House

Judi's House is a community based non-profit organization that works to support children and families through the loss of a loved one.  One of the ways that they are able to support is through a Grief Group that would meet for 10 sessions at school.  If your child has experienced a loss recently and this may be of interest to you, please review the attached flier and complete this short survey.  Click Here



Are you familiar with the Bodega? It is a free resource to shop for food, clothes, hygiene, household items and school supplies. The Bodega is now open on Thursdays 3:30 - 4:15.  


SRM News LInk: click here 

School calendar so you don't miss a date. click here  

Athletics: click here

Community Flyers link. click here

Pay for fees or check student's school balance 


Thanks for sharing your children with us!



Matt Oehlert




Shadow Ridge Middle School