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Oehlert Alert 8/30/24

Oehlert Alert 8/30/24

Hi Ramillies!

Happy Friday!  Here's this week's edition of the Oehlert Alert.  Please take a read and let me know if you have any questions


School Board Information

In front of a packed house, the Board voted to place both Blueprint funding measures - a bond for building investments and an override for programming investments - on the November ballot. Learn more, including what our school would receive.


Washington D.C.

Are you an 8th grade student? Are you interested in going to Washington DC over Spring Break?  Join us for our first meeting of the year Thursday, September 5th at 530 pm in the Shadow Ridge Library.  We will share information about the cost of the trip, a sample itinerary and upcoming fundraisers.


Judi's House

Judi's House is a community based non-profit organization that works to support children and families through the loss of a loved one.  One of the ways that they are able to support is through a Grief Group that would meet for 10 sessions at school.  If your child has experienced a loss recently and this may be of interest to you, please review the attached flier and complete this short survey.  Click Here


New Family Liaison

We are fortunate at SRMS to have a family liaison, Veronica Martinez, who will be with us on Thursdays (as well as occasionally other times during the week).  She is an amazing resource and is looking to begin offering a parenting class on Parenting with Love and Logic.  If this is something you would like to learn more about, please follow the appropriate link. 


English Survey:


Spanish Survey:


Survey on SAC and Activities

Looking for ways to get more involved at SRMS?  Take this brief survey.  


Please enjoy the long weekend and remember that students do not have school on Monday or Tuesday next week.  


Panoramic Survey

There will be more information coming in a separate email. 


Don't forget to visit the Ram Store...Last day to order is Sept. 3rd. Browse and Shop HERE  


Thank you for entrusting us with your children!


Important Links: 


SRM News LInk: click here 

School calendar so you don't miss a date. click here  

Athletics: click here

Community Flyers link. click here



Matt Oehlert




Shadow Ridge Middle School
