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Oehlert Alert 12/3/24

Oehlert Alert 12/3/24


Greetings Ramilies, 


I hope that you had a restful and rejuvenating Thanksgiving spent with the people that you care about.  The holidays can also be a challenging time for some given past experiences or situations.  With that in mind, I hope you are able to enjoy the holiday season. 


There are some exciting activities coming up before the end of the semester in 3 weeks.  Please continue to check in with your students about their grades and school and how to support them via the parent portal of Infinite Campus. 


School Choice

The window for school choice has opened, if you would like to learn more about how this process works in Adams 12, please click here


MAP Testing

Three times a year, we administer the Map Test to all students to measure their growth in Language Arts and Math.  Students will be taking these tests this week on Wednesday and Thursday, 12/4 and 12/5.  Please encourage them to do their best. 


Music Performances

Our students in band and choir will be performing next week.  December 10 is our choir concert, and December 11 is our band concert.  


Boys Basketball Tournament

Our boys basketball teams will be participating in the Adams 12 Boys Basketball Tournament starting on Monday!  



Important Links: 


SRMS News Link click here 

December Community Flyers click here

 Athletics click here

School Activities and Club Calendar click here

Pay For It click here



Thanks for sharing your children with us. 






Matt Oehlert




Shadow Ridge Middle School