Oehlert Alert 01-28-25
Good Morning,
Here are a few updates for you as January winds down.
Drop Off/Pick Up of Students
It has come to our attention that there have been some issues during drop off and pick up of students. We've noticed some congestion along Holly and want to send out these reminders. . We are well aware that pick up and drop off can be frustrating, but these guidelines should help us to stay safe and move vehicles through the parking lot efficiently.
- Please only drop off in the north parking lot where the traffic light is.
- Please use the hug and go lane to drop off and pick up your students. When you are dropping off, please pull up and have your students exit the vehicle immediately. If you need to stay with your student for a few minutes, please park in a parking space.
- When dropping off or picking up, please pull up as far as you are able before your students get out of the vehicle.
- Please have students get out of the vehicle on the passenger side of your vehicle.
- Please just use one lane and do not pass other vehicles in the hug and go lane.
- Please do not cut through the parking lot after you drop off and follow the hug and go lane, follow the lane all the way around.
Panorama Family Survey
This went out in a separate email outlining the purpose and providing more information. If you need another link to the survey, please click here.
Girls Volleyball
Against Westlake, 5:45 B team, 6:45 A team. 8th grade will play at home and 7th grade will play at Westlake.
School Accountability Committee
Wednesday, February 5 the School Accountability Committee will be meeting to discuss and share strategies about the Parent Portal, Infinite Campus and how to support your middle school student as we approach parent teacher conferences. We will be meeting from 5:00 - 6:30
Parent Teacher Conferences
We will offer Parent Teacher Conferences on two nights in February. In an effort to make the time more efficient, we are requesting that families come on a different day based on the last name of their student.
Students with last names between A-M should plan to attend on February 13.
Students with last names between N-Z should plan to attend on February 27.
Both evenings will be an open house format and take place between 4:30 - 7:30. It's recommended that you make an effort to be here with enough time to meet with your student's teachers so that you will be finished by 7:30.
Thanks for reading all of this, we appreciate you sharing your children with us.
Matt Oehlert
Shadow Ridge Middle School