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Help Us Serve You Better - Take Annual Survey

Help Us Serve You Better - Take Annual Survey


Dear Shadow Ridge Families, 


In an effort to help us continually elevate your child’s educational experience, I encourage you to take our annual Family-School Relationships Survey! The survey is specific for our school and will help us know where we are succeeding and where we can improve.


Take the 

2024-25 Panorama Family-School Relationships Survey







  • The survey is open now to Feb. 14, 2025 and is completely anonymous.

  • The survey is expected to take between 10-15 minutes and can be taken in English, Spanish or eleven other languages on your smartphone, tablet or computer.  

  • If you have children at different schools, we encourage you to fill out a survey for each school. 

  • Survey data is benchmarked nationally and compared to the Five Star staff and student survey to create a comprehensive understanding of the school’s culture and climate. Survey results will be made available to families by the end of the school year. 



Thank you in advance for taking this important survey as we work together to continue to elevate the way we serve your child in every classroom, every day.  




Matt Oehlert
