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Staff reinvigorates the choir program at Shadow Ridge

  • Empower
  • Engage
Staff reinvigorates the choir program at Shadow Ridge

Lauren Warnke, Director of Choirs at SRMS, has re-energized and invigorated the Choral music program through her innovative teaching practices and passion for music and teaching. In her two years at Shadow Ridge, choir performances have gone from small affairs sparsely attended to standing room only affairs. This year, she encouraged five students to try out for the All State Honor Choir - requiring students go through an in depth and highly competitive audition process. Of the five that auditioned, three were accepted! This is a huge honor for the students, the choral music program and our school. The students accepted were Isaac Campos (8th), Jason Torres (7th) and Stella Navarro (7th). Mrs. Warnke is so engaging and empowering of her students and her push and inspiration have resulted in these outstanding opportunities for our students. While my time serving as principal here has only been three years, these are the first students who have earned All State Choir Recognition in my time, if not the history of SRMS and we would like to celebrate them.

Special thanks to the Shadow Ridge Middle School community for submitting this Five Star Story.

This story exemplifies our ELEVATE Focus Area: World-Class Staff. Sharing stories about how staff is compensated, supported and trained to foster student success and family partnerships.

  • Shadow Ridge